Looking Young in Your Twenties, Thirties, and Forties
Depending on how well you took care of your skin during childhood and your teenage years, you may start seeing fine lines around your eyes and frown lines in your forehead as early as your mid-twenties.
Typically, this kind of premature aging comes from tanning or sheer carelessness during outdoor activities in your teens. People with fair skin are more likely to have early sun-induced wrinkles.
If you haven’t been protecting yourself fro UV rays, now is the time to start. Make sunscreen a part of your daily ritual, even if you don’t plan to be out in the sun. Drop the tanning sessions and pick up a good self tanner. Start beefing up on the antioxidants in your diet and in your skincare products.
BOTOX can be used at this point as a preventative measure, and to minimize the appearance of existing lines and wrinkles. A mild chemical peel or microdermabrasion may be enough to get rid of fine lines entirely at this stage in life.
Pregnancy and childbirth can leave you feeling self conscious about your body, even after the extra weight is gone. Chances are, taking care of little ones has thrown you off of your beauty routine for a few years, too.
Diet and exercise can help you lose the weight and regain your original muscle tone, but some parts of your body may not cooperate. A “mommy makeover” can be just the thing to get your body and your sex life back in your thirties. Procedures to consider include:
• Breast lift
• Breast augmentation
• Tummy tuck or mini-tuck
• Liposuction
• Vaginal rejuvenation
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can your skin to develop dark blotches, often referred to as a pregnancy mask, and acne. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) can be an effective treatment for discoloration and acne scars.
In your forties you want to focus on hydration and fitness. This is a good time to start talking to your doctor about the hormonal changes associated with menopause, and find out how you can ease through the transition with minimal weight gain and skin discoloration, not to mention minimizing other, more unpleasant symptoms and problems which can be life-threatening such as magnesium deficiency.
Sun damage can start showing up as dry, scaly patches of skin, and often precancerous cells. Get any suspicious skin changes and any questionable moles checked out as soon as you notice them. It can save your life!
Fortunately precancerous cells can be removed with some chemical peels, stimulating collagen production and rejuvenating your skin at the same time.
Most women are not ready for a face lift at forty, but you may want to consider blepharoplasty to open up your eyes, and injectable fillers to reduce the folds around your mouth.
Understanding the effects of aging early in life can help you get a jump star on staying young.
Talk to your cosmetic surgeon about aging and beauty today.
Top Tips For Staying Healthy All Year Round
It is getting harder than ever to stay feeling good and healthy these days, with all of the stress and pollution. But there are a few things that you can do in order to keep life going smoothly, all you have to do is know what they are. This article is going to help you learn what is the most important factors in your good health.
Here are the most important things for you to consider when trying to stay healthy:
Good sleep each night is essential to your good health. During sleep your body will recharge itself and your immune system will get built back up to where it should be. Getting a good nights sleep will also help you to fight depression and anxiety. When you sleep you look better and feel better so start trying to devote a solid 8 hours to sleep each and every night.
Healthy eating
Healthy eating is another important part of good health. Remember that old saying, you are what you eat? Well, it is true, you really are what you eat. The better you eat each day the better you are going to look and the better you are going to feel. Healthy eating will keep you looking young and fresh faced. Your skin will be smoother and softer and you will start to have that healthy glow that people talk about. Banish that sallow complexion starting today by eating healthy once and for all.
There are all kinds of great ways to exercise and no matter who you are or how fit you are at this time. If you are not into the hard core aerobic workout then consider walking. Walking every day is a great way to stay healthy and feeling good and young. You can get a treadmill or you can walk around the block. You should even consider taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Every little bit of exercise each day will help you to stay in tip top shape.
Source: Free Articles
Author: asupport
Best Anti Aging Secrets for Staying Young
Did you know that your attitude and the power of positive thinking is one of the best Anti Aging Secrets for staying young? Most people are skeptical and really surprised to learn this fact. A great positive attitude can do wonders as far as your outlook on life. Another unexpected great benefit of a positive attitude is that you tend to smile more often. Smiling will tone the face and helps to make a person look much younger. This great benefit of Anti Aging Secrets for staying young is that you will have better health that comes with having a good attitude and the power of positive thinking. So the next time that you are down in the dumps then remember that your attitude and the power of positive thinking is one of the best anti aging secrets for staying young.
If you focus your attitude more on positive thoughts, you will then focus more on things that will result in better health and that alone will help you to feel and act younger. More of a positive attitude will help you to set goals and maybe also accomplish stuff that someone normally your age would have considered that they were past doing anymore. One of the best anti aging secrets for staying young is that when you have a positive attitude then you feel better about yourself.
When you feel better about yourself then you have the confidence to try something new. Most older people tend to get set in their ways and are not willing to change their routine at all. If you have a good attitude because of the power of positive thinking then that will have an affect on your attitude about trying something new. This new found confidence in yourself will show on your face and that will make you look years younger. As we get older, most of us usually tend to be more negative because we can't accomplish what we use to do. Just taking a brighter outlook on life can do wonders for your health as well as help you to act and look much younger.
Did you know that most of the things that you do in life are from habits that you have formed over the years. Of course some are good habits but you may have also picked up a few bad habits along the way such as smoking or unhealthy eating. Having a good attitude and the power of positive thinking could change your outlook on life and help you to get the confidence needed to finally put an end to all those harmful bad habits. This one change to a positive attitude could be one of the best anti aging secrets for staying young by starting a healthier lifestyle. Ending bad habits such as smoking or overeating could not only extend someone's life expectancy but also make them look and feel years younger. That one change in your attitude could be a great boost to your self confidence and is one of the best anti aging secrets for staying young. Start looking younger today by having a good attitude and the power of positive thinking.
Would you like more information about the best Anti Aging Secrets for staying young? Sign up now for our FREE Fitness Over 40 Resource Guide and Fitness Tips newsletter series of getting fit regardless of how old you are. For more information, visit http://www.befitat40plus.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geri_Stogsdill
The Real Secret to Staying Young!
In a society where the focus is constantly on youthfulness, we search continuously for ways to remain young, yet for the most part, whatever lotions, potions or surgery we choose, staying young cannot be found in a bottle. It can in fact be found, but we seem to be looking in the wrong place. In fact, like almost everything else, the answer can usually be found within.
Not long ago, while having dinner with a group of friends, a question was posed as to whether there could be a genuine secret to staying young. Since most of the world is always on the lookout for the fountain of youth, it was an interesting and thought provoking conversation. Each person in attendance had their own unique views about the aging process and although each valid and interesting, I had a different opinion.
When it was my turn to share, I confidently stated, "In my opinion, staying young means finding and expressing your passion. The mystery, if there is any to staying young, could be attributed to tapping into the creative aspect of ourselves. Regardless of age, creativity doesn't have a number!"
My group of dinner companions of course asked me how I had come up with this notion and to elaborate. Although I had absolutely no real proof other than my own experience and that of a few of my friends, I told them that I had been observing those who seem to get younger and those who seem to age. One speaks about retirement early on, while the other is always on the lookout for something exiting to include in their every day lives. In fact the one with a thirst for the new stays vital and alive for a long, long time, while the other just seems to get older.
To bring my point home more clearly, I had done some writing for a friend and in return he gifted me with a web site. At first, I was filled with apprehension and fear as to whether I could get a grasp on the Internet experience, but instead of running away, I chose to look it squarely in the eye and say 'yes' to the Internet. Although that may not seem like a very monumental endeavor, tackling a challenge such as the Internet for a person in their 50’s was quite a feat.
As a result of my willingness to take on the challenge, today I write for people around the world and am a featured author on many well-recognized online publications. To have tapped into such an amazing part of both the world and myself brings me more pleasure and fulfillment than words can ever express and has certainly done wonders regarding my youthful appearance. Had I not been willing to conquer what seemed beyond my grasp, I would have missed out on some of the most spectacular experiences imaginable. To my way of thinking, vitality and productiveness cannot be measured by age but only gauged by actions and attitudes.
In concluding, the mysterious component that seems to elude most individuals regarding youthfulness is in my humble opinion, the seeking of your passion, and then living it to the fullest, regardless of your age.
Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist/Consultant to her creative efforts as a freelance writer/consultant. She has successfully helped countless companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding press releases, web site content, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, and all other forms of marketing material. You may contact Charlene Rashkow at http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com or write her at info@allyourwritingneeds.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlene_Rashkow
How To Look Younger
The first thing you should do to look younger is to acknowledge that there are good things in store for you, and you deserve to have those. So it’s all about setting your mind to get to your end. You must value the thought that almost all good things in life are brought into fruition with the right attitude and positive thinking.
So now, are you set to defy aging and look young? If you are, then these age-defying tips will surely help you look youthful easily.
Tip 1
No matter what you do, whether you have a demanding schedule or just being lazy in your cozy home, make sure you are getting enough sleep- and a good one at that. Your eyes will first tell if you have had enough sleep. A pair of eye-bug-free and sparkling eyes definitely makes you look younger. But how many is the suggested sleeping duration?
Perhaps you were brought up thinking that you should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Well, you should not. A new study says that those who sleep 6-7 hours live longer and healthier. Too much slumber is not good for you. In fact, sleeping for five hours is better than sleeping three hours more than that.
To have a good sleep, take some natural soporifics. These are substances that can induce sleeping. Milk is a very good example. Sex and a little aerobic may also help you sleep well.
Tip 2
Keep you hair short. A long hair puts in more years to your appearance, actually making you look like a tired and worn-down witch. Trying a shorter do can improve your youthfulness. Tell your hairdresser to give you side swept bangs to expose your beautiful face. Adding layers can also make our hair look lively and shinier. A little highlight may also do. Putting on a darker hair (dark brown or black) does not only make you younger, but also coats up those grey hair.
Tip 3
Live in a clean environment. People who live older like the centenarians have some surrounding things in common: little stress, unpolluted air, good water, and unspoiled nature. Planting more trees in your area and planting more plants in your garden can help you provide cleaner air. More plants in the area mean more oxygen to breathe. Remember that what we breathe is the exact thing they exhale, and vice versa.
Tip 4
Do not put a lot of makeup. Yes, makeup can make you look pretty. But its amount, composition, and its style can make or break you. Keeping makeup light won’t make you look like a villain. Use more pastel colors and those with lighter tones instead of the dark antagonistic-like colors. Also try lipsticks with brown shade. These would make you look more natural and a lot of ears younger
Tip 5
Take care of your teeth. Ever notice there are a lot of old people who only have false teeth? This is because as we age, our body absorbs and stores less calcium (which also explains why old women are prone to osteoporosis).
So avoid losing your teeth permanently. Brushing every after meal is the most basic yet the most helpful habit for a good-looking set of teeth. Use teeth whitening products that can make you teeth white and shiny. Coffee and tea can stain your teeth instantly so a brush after is really helpful.
Going to the dentist at least twice a year is very important. And never forget to drink at least two glasses of milk a day, like what we teach to the real young ones.
Resist The Force Of Aging
If you’re the type of person who would rather watch TV and eat all day long than giving you’re muscles a little more stretch, better think twice. Here’s the deal: this lifestyle speeds up aging. How? Well, inactivity accelerates aging in two ways: it decreases our muscle strength and gives us extra pounds.
Muscle meltdown
As we age, the quantity and strength of our muscle fibers diminish. Truth to the matter is, we lose two to four pounds of muscles every ten years. Decreased number and strength of muscles causes our muscles to lose flexibility, losing our usual range of motion and optimal strength.
Lack of exercise is to blame. It was found out that not exercising for even just a week weakens our muscles significantly. In fact, if you don’t exercise for a month, you will lose almost 50% of your original muscle strength. Some people may not even notice their atrophied muscles because of the fatty buildup in their body. Blame that too to lack of exercise.
Gaining extra pounds
The simple logic here is that if you are inactive, you gain extra pounds, and extra pounds can age you. But hey, there’s a missing link. How does an increase in weight speed up aging?
Researchers have recently found out that as people become heavier and became more insulin resistant (a common side effect of being fat and heavy), their telomeres (strands of DNA at the end of a chromosome that protect the tip from destruction and classically shorten with age) shrank more than those of people who didn't increase their weight and developed more insulin resistance, an apparent sign that the aging process was speeding up among overweight. Researchers suppose that the stress caused by increased weight and insulin resistance spawn inflammation and free radicals that damage cells. Simply put, a heavier body ages its own DNA.
The Solution
But the good news is, you can recover what you have lost and slice off what you have gained. Research clearly shows that a healthy lifestyle and exercise can help keep your DNA younger.
In studies, regular exercise has been proven to keep you from diabetes, muscle atrophy, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and heart diseases. Regular workout helps prevent hypertension, reduces body fat, raises High Density Lipoprotein (good cholesterol), lowers Low-Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol), improves circulation, keeps the bowel healthy, and regulates key hormones.
An anti-aging workout is best for you! This includes consistent cardio, yoga, and weight training.
You can do jogging, cycling, walking, and swimming for thirty minutes a day for about five times a week. Doing these of higher intensity everyday can be helpful in bringing more blood and oxygen to our brain. These activities also guard your heart by lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL, and keeping arteries flexible to improve circulation.
Lifting weights should also be part of your roster of activities. Weightlifting for 20 minutes a day, twice a week can be of great help in having strong bones, and muscles, which of course includes the heart. For beginners, 3-5 pound dumbbells will do.
Doing yoga is one of the best activities to fight stress. It relaxes the body, thereby, keeping stress from burning you out. It also protects the body against free radicals that break down the elasticity of the skin.
More Benefits
Exercise does not only keep you young, it also helps you sleep, firms you up, improves your mood, keeps you slim, and take note of this, charges up your sex life :D
Staying Young And Healthy With Nuts
A HEARTy Snack
Almonds, macadamia, pistachio nuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts are not just for the appetite, they also are great sources of a number of health benefits. The studies of the Seventh Day Adventists during the 1990s first elevated the status of nuts to its consumers. The study of this religious group in Loma Linda, California indicated that those who eat nuts live two and a half years more than those who do not.
(The Seventh Day Adventist is a religious group that advocates healthy living by not smoking and dinking, and having a vegetarian diet. Members of this religious domination who live in Loma Linda live 5-10 years longer)
Nuts are said to contain Omega 3 fatty acids. These are unsaturated fatty acids that may decrease the risk of acquiring coronary heart disease. People who eat five times or more of it every week had roughly a 50 percent decrease in risk of dying from heart disease as compared to those who eat only nuts once a week. Those who eat one to four times in a week reduced their risk of acquiring the heart disease by 25%.
Recent researches also found out that walnuts and almonds can lower the blood levels of bad cholesterol which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Besides its protective effect to the heart, this fruit have very low glycemic index. In fact, nuts are now being recommended by many dietitians to patients with diabetes mellitus 2.
Usually, what’s beneficial to the heart is also favorable to the brain. Nuts are not just a hearty snack but also a brainy food. It helps keep your arteries clear so it lessens the risk of clogging arteries which can lead to stroke. Nuts also promote the production of precursors of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, which improves the mood, and reduces depression.
One ounce of nuts is the recommended amount to eat. That is equivalent to 24 almonds or 12 walnuts. Nuts is full of calories so be careful in eating too much of eat. Eating more than one ounce is fine unless you replace unhealthy high-caloric foods in exchange of nuts.
Here’s the deal: those who eat one ounce of nuts five times a week become 3.3 years younger for the males, and 4.4 years for the females.
In addition, you would also live two to three years longer compared to those who don’t.
Well, raw, unroasted, unsalted nuts are best for your body.
Almonds are nut just tasty but are also beneficial because they are alkaline-formers even though they are high in protein. Having alkaline is good for the body because we need to keep up with the high acidic content of the body (which is the result of the oxygenation of all that we eat).
Walnuts are the nuts that have the most abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are the kind that is beneficial to the diabetics.
Sweeten Your Home And Feel Good
Be more than a boarder on your home! Beautify it! In this way, you won’t be dreading every waking moment in it. Add some spice in your routine. Trust me, it will bring out the young punk in you and you will forget you’re not getting any younger (well, physiologically).
Remember your pre-school picture where you are smothered in dirt and you still managed to flash a toothy grin? Remember your prom picture where you wore make-up even if it’s against your will? They actually represent very good memories that can make you feel both nostalgic and cheerful at the same time. Seeing these memories triggers a part of the brain that recalls that memory and connects it with good moods.
Everybody knows that good moods bring out the best in us. It helps us become more optimistic through life and become more productive. Come on, you know there’s a lot more to think about than having a Botox injection or not.
You might have heard a lot of times that to stay young, you must smile all the time. With a lot of good memories haunting your home, what’s not to smile about?
Old = boring. That’s how 90% of the world sees it and you can’t help but agree. Look around your home. If the dominant color is anything neutral (gray, brown, black or white) then it’s about time that you redirect your creativity. Neutral is boring. Pastels, neon linings and bold designs spell F-U-N!
If you can’t remember the last time that you’ve been fun then you’ve really aged. Recollect the atmosphere of fun. However, do not mix a lot of colors at the same time. Consult with someone who is good in interior design or read interior design books to have a guide. This is important because you don’t want your home looking like a day care center gone wrong.
Next, you can also consider filling your home with really good art. Put up bold paintings of local artists (local is cheaper but not necessarily of less quality). Frame good poetry on a fine quality paper with professional calligraphy. Even 10,000-piece puzzles and sophisticated cross-stitch pieces make good aesthetic treats. Choose carefully the quality of art that you put in your home. If you must, consult someone who finished a fine arts degree or even a college student of fine arts. Lastly, choose the art that you fall in love with. It should be something you can stand (and be happy) to see every single day.
There are certain foods that don’t feel right when eaten every day. There are also certain foods which have the marvelous capability to make you feel better after eating it. Examples of feel-good food are those which are usually eaten after a break-up, a termination and after failing a subject.
Foods such as chocolate, ice cream, cakes are also connected with feel-good memories. Consider stocking up on these foods so whenever you feel like pigging out, do so in your own home and more importantly, do not apologize for it. That’s one of the best features of youth. Hmm. Alcohol is optional too.
You may not be getting younger, but hey, you can “retire” in your own home every day. Stay young, stay fun and stay passionate about life.
Celebrity Secrets To Staying Young
Eating lots of citrus and vegetables
Greens and citrus like lemons, grapefruit, and oranges are high in Vitamin C, a natural antioxidant. This wonder worker serves as a primary ingredient of collagen, a glue-like protein that binds cells together to form tissues, and makes up about 25% of the whole-body protein content. Collagen production is vital to skin suppleness, firmness and averts the onset of premature wrinkling. Collagen is, in fact, a much-endorsed ingredient in facial moisturizers and hand lotions Therefore, the more citrus and veggies celebs eat, the softer their skin becomes.
Avoiding excessive alcohol
Celebrities going in and out of rehabs due to alcoholism look worn-out and spoiled. That is why a lot more celebrities keep their alcoholic intake to a minimum. Despite the sparkling delight it brings, alcohol causes skin damage and loss of moisture due to its dehydrating effects. In turn, this will cause sagging and wrinkling of skin.
A High School Musical star says its even better to soak one’s self o he beach without sun protection that drinking too much of alcohol.
Alcohol causes dilatation of the blood vessels in the skin and every time you drink, the blood vessels will dilate and stay permanently dilated until they lose their tone. Abusing alcohol will also deplete the body of Vitamin A, an important antioxidant.
Avoiding Coffee
Despite its antioxidant content, too much coffee causes skin dehydration, and even causes the body to eliminate needed liquids and minerals. It causes skin to look like crepe paper and have very little elasticity if you pinch it up into a peak. A country music diva even shared that drinking too much coffee stains her teeth and causes little winkles around her eyes to look horrible.
Celebrities who drink coffee suggest drinking a cool glass of water after a cup of coffee.
Drinking LOTS of Water
No one can dispute the role good hydration plays to a healthier skin. If hydration does not come from sodas or alcohols and only from clean water, then it has potentially helpful effects on your skin. Furthermore, water helps cells move nutrients in and toxins out, which leaves skin looking better.
Paris Hilton disclosed that she drinks more than ten glasses of water a day cause if not she notices her skin to look dull, vapid, and gray.
Limited exposure to sunlight
More exposure to sunlight puts the skin at higher risk for aging caused by free radicals. But if you cannot avoid it, use a quality high sun protection factor lotion.
A former Mickey Mouse club member uses SPF50 on her neck and face and SPF35 on her body to develop nice brownish tan where she likes.
Lastly, for celebrities, using a night time moisturizer is the simplest yet one of the most necessary parts of their beauty routine. They choose a night cream with proven age-fighters like retinol.
If applied at night, this will reduce the effect of aging and the environment on your skin.
Say Hello To A Forever Young You
It’s about time that you know yourself more and pay less attention to your outside appearance. After all, what really matters is how you feel inside. A rich man can feel that he still needs to get richer; so in principle, he is not rich at all. However, a poor man can be more contented than a millionaire and at the end of the day, the poor man becomes happier. Let’s cruise through what keeps one young by not applying a wonder cream or doing a wonder work-out.
The day-in, day-out stress will make you feel like “slipping away” from the things which used to make you happy and things which used to make you feel like a child again. Rekindle these good memories by meditating at least ten minutes a day. Take some time to detach yourself from the world and think. You don’t need to philosophize deeply or to draft your next blog entry. Just enjoy some silence and a piece of world peace.
Choose a ten- to fifteen-minute break in your day. Just a short while. You have twenty four hours a day. Surely you can find or MAKE time for some productive self-healing.
A diary is a very important tool for a writer. However, even if you’re not a writer or even if you are not a grammar expert, it is also advisable to keep a diary. A diary is an outlet. It is a friend which will listen, will not judge and handy also. A diary is a tool of letting-go of the bad things that have happened to you which pull you back from moving forward.
You need to pass on some of your worries somewhere so you can focus to more important things like the relationships around you and the smallest get-happy detail of your everyday life. Keeping a diary also is like keeping a record of your psychological states. There are people who freak out when they realize that they’re starting to age and surely you don’t want to be one of them.
Don’t look at it as a task. Just write whenever you want to. Even in the middle of the night. Isn’t it just neat that someone will listen to every detail of your nightmare and not brand you a lunatic?
The most important person in your life should still be yourself EVEN IF you have aged. Remember when you were younger, when all you wanted was the latest gadget and the in pair of jeans? That’s exactly how you should still feel, albeit being more mature. Try not going into the selfish path; that’s too much.
Watch a movie alone; save yourself from the pains of having to explain to someone how the plot should have gone. Devour your favorite cake alone, go shoe-shopping alone, brim in front of the mirror and say “I’m the king/queen of the world”! Err, please remember to do the last thing alone too. Please. It’s for your own good.
When you were young, it was all about you. Now that you’re older, let it still be all about you. The secret to staying young is all in the mind. You don’t even need to get out of your home right? There’s no use studying what certain chemicals can do to save your skin while not learning to know, love and embrace your self. Your beautiful, ethereal self.
On Being YOUNG
Definitely not. Staying young encompasses a wide range of ideas and includes more good conditions than the aforementioned. Being young comes from the mind, body, and the heart.
Being sharp
As people age, they tend to be less smart, alert, and intelligent. Compared to a young grade-schooler, an old person can hardly recite the multiplication table with ease, speed, and accuracy. This is because as they age, neurons weaken and lessens its ability to recall facts and details. To avoid this and be young in the mental capacity, people should do few good things.
Meditating, resting well, and getting enough sleep help brain to be at ease. Playing board games like chess, scrabbles, and word factory can help boost your brain. Eating a healthy diet with less cholesterol is helpful.
Doing moderate aerobic exercises can produce Brain-Derived Neurotrohic Factor (BDNF) that maintains a healthy neuron. BDNF is a protein that acts on certain neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that aids in the survival of existing neurons. Adding to that, BDNF encourages the growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses.
Being healthy
Being young is almost synonymous to being healthy. If one is at his optimum health, he is sure to look and feel good, which is by the way, how many define being young. As we all know, to be healthy is to guard your own body. Eat more nutrient-packed greens, more Omega-3 containing fish, and other healthy stuff like whole-grains, tomatoes, milk, fruits, and water.
And of course, less foods containing tons of cholesterol (burger patties, barbecues, fries) and sodium (chips, MSG, salt). Exercising for at least ten minutes a day, avoiding stress, and a regular visit to a doctor are of great help to staying healthy.
Being young wouldn’t be complete without a healthy skin. As the body’s largest organ, it can tell how well your health is and how well you are aging. Eating at least 5 serving of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables, sipping anti-oxidant rich green tea, and drinking at least 8 glasses of pure water a day are of prime necessity.
Not to mention, a smile can really deceive others of your age.
Being optimistic and vigorous
Having an encouraging, dynamic, and balanced approach or outlook towards your individual and collective possibilities is a healthy advantage. Not only does it provide you with better results in what you seek, it also gives your youthful energy a boost.
Optimism and vigor shape a huge part in the expansion of your emotional life. If you wish to live well and young, you will have to remove the self-defeating pessimism from your mind, and replace with a constructive attitude.
Being young is also being optimistic and vigorous, and that requires more of us than exhibiting a compelled smile and telling yourself, “you can do it.” Being young is living your life at full capacity, and we can only go beyond what we think we can if we expand ourselves rather than holding yourself back, and rather than putting you forward. After all, who got blinded by looking at the brighter side of life?
Indeed, being young is also skin-deep. And because it is, you should examine a little more within you to know whether you too can feel and look young. And if you will, the inside will radiate a more beautiful being.
Staying At Home Is Not Always Equal To Staying Young
It’s hard to imagine aging when you’re always in your home. No sun, no wrinkles. No free radicals, no need for antioxidants. However, if you’re still feeling grumpy; grumpy like you’re aging and you can’t do anything about it, you can use some at-home tips to do wonders.
Look around you. If there’s so much clutter, dust, dirty laundry, these can really ignite your temper. Clean your home and fill it with soothing scents. Ever wonder why a sunset on a really clean bay with the sun glistening on the clear water looks so relaxing? That’s it, cleanliness = good mood.
Save yourself from some self-nagging. Start picking the broom up and clean your surroundings. Classify the things that you need and not need in your desk. Your working area should also be clean so you can focus on your work faster and focus on your rest longer.
Speaking of rest, try putting lavender or chamomile powder on your sheets just before you sleep. These scents induce sleep-sanctifying hormones to help you get the sleep you deserve. You can also add candles, apply scented oil on your wrists and have feel-good books by the bedside table. Stay away from stressing self-help books. Experts advise love/happiness poetry, fast food fictions or even a diary. Keeping a diary is like befriending yourself. You can use an extra friend, right?
Your pores fluctuate depending on the humidity of the area. If it’s cold, your pores will close. If it’s warm, your pores will open. The ventilation in your home should be just right so your pores will not be very overworked. Notice that when it’s too cold, your skin will also lack the moisture it needs. If your skin lacks moisture, when you get out of that cold area, your skin will overcompensate by producing more oil than usual. Yes, cold weather can breed unhealthy skin too.
If it’s also hot, your natural oils (moisture) will mix with your sweat. And that’s dangerous. Sweat is dirt. Oil WILL become dirt. The equation to acne is actually dead cells/dirt + oil. There are different ways to look young, but to fake teenage acne is surely not the way to go.
Your skin is like a sponge. It absorbs all the things that is placed and applied into it.
It is important that you take note of the chemicals that you put on your skin. Read and analyze very carefully. Let’s say you use a facial wash, a toner, a moisturizer and a face powder every day. Let’s also assume that each of these things contain 20 chemicals. (Actually, that’s a conservative approximate.
Take a peek at the pack of your facial wash and toners; they contain compounds which you almost cannot read.) So every day, excluding the chemicals that may get to your skin when you go out, you take in at least 80 kinds of chemicals on your skin. It sounds glaring, right? However, the effects are not seen abruptly.
The best that you can do is to choose your toiletries right. Choose the most “organic” cosmetics, soaps, lotions, etc. There are a lot of cosmetic / toiletry product lines in the market which swear to be hypo-allergenic, non-comedogenic (won’t clog your pores) and were not tested on animals. They may be a tad more expensive but trust me, they’re worth it.
Staying young involves more than just taking care of your skin and your body. Remember to also keep a happy and optimistic state-of-mind to compliment the glow you have on your face!
Staying Young is Just Another Meal Away
Indeed, mom was right. You’ll never know when you’ll start to age until you notice some crumpling and folding on your skin. Premature aging might just be a sleep away. And you never want to see that happen.
But it’s never too late. You can delay aging now by changing some items on your plates, and it’s just another meal away.
You Are What You Eat
The food and all other things that you take or don’t are laying the groundwork for your health and your appearance as well. For example, a person who has a pretty huge room for french fries and beef patties in his stomach may suffer more diseases and may not look age-appropriate. A person deficient in unsaturated fats, on the other hand, may have dry, flaky skin, and eventually look older than he actually is.
According to Samantha Heller, MS, RD, a clinical nutritionist at NYU Medical Center in New York City, what you eat becomes the outer fabric of your body. And the healthier that you put in your mouth, the better you will look.
Sure, you don’t wanna look like french fries, or do you? Then, what should your next meal include?
High- fiber foods
Whole grains, cereals, black beans, apples, and pears are just some of the foods that are rich in fiber. Fiber found in these foods moves quickly and relatively easily through your digestive tract keeping bowel movements regular. Thereby preventing constipation,-one of the problems that aging people commonly encounter.
Fish, walnut, and flax seed oil
These foods are among the best sources of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). EFA especially the omega-3 fatty acids regulate the fluidity or softness of the cell membranes, thus making your cell membranes healthy and hold more moisture. So that means younger looking skin.
Deficiency is visible in a hardening of the skin, as with dry skin and acne. And to those who are living in colder climates, you need more EFA for membrane fluidity.
Fruits and vegetables
Antioxidants from fruits and vegetables fight off free radicals, the byproducts of the body's everyday processes that damage DNA, cells, and tissues. The antioxidants and other phytochemicals lessens the chances of damage to he body’s cells. And because you are guarding your cells from premature damage, you are also protecting yourself from premature aging.
Whole-grain cereals, organ meats, chicken, egg yolk, and garlic.
Selenium, found in these foods, plays a key role in making the skin healthy. It is a sulfur-like mineral that lessens the oxidative damage of skin cells. It also helps in regulating the thyroid hormone and helps prevent hypertension, cancer, and stroke. Selenium is often added to antioxidant vitamins.
Easy Move
If you think looking younger is difficult, there’s not much to worry. The easiest move you can make is to include more fruits, vegetables, fish, and whole grains to your daily menu. Control yourself from eating foods stuffed with much cholesterol, sodium, and calories. What you get is a healthier body and a younger-looking you.
Well, if you think it’s too early to look old, better think twice. It just doesn’t feel good to be called older than you really are.
And if you think you’re too old to look young, you’re never right. You can stop aging right at your plate, and even prove that "looks can be deceiving."
The Right Water To Stay Young
What does water do?
Water cleanses our body. It promotes the efficiency of blood circulation to help expel the toxins out of the body. Water aids the body in swilling out waste from particular cells, keeping them in good state. While it carries away toxins from the skin, water also transports necessary vitamins and minerals into individual cells.
The need to rehydrate skin
Water comprises 70% of our body. Skin, being the largest organ, has a lot of water in it. But the body consumes and expels lots of water in a day. Because of this, our skin needs regular rehydration. The most powerful moisturizers are not enough to take the place of the element that comprises our body most. Not enough rehydration causes the skin to look dry, tough, and old.
Getting old
We get older since we are not flushing out of all the generated wastes within our body allowing these toxins and impurities to mount up within our body. For our body to operate and to maintain its temperature, we consume nutrients inside our cells. The chief ingredients of all foods, real or junk, plant or animal, alkaline or acid, costly or not, are proteins, fats or carbohydrates. And these are nothing but the amalgamations of these elements: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen.
After undergoing the digestive and circulatory processes, these nutrients will be oxidized in the cellular level. After this, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen will all turn into organic acids: fatty acids, ammonia, uric acids, etc.
These acidic rubbishes are expelled in the form of urine or sweat after having undergone some processes in the blood. Regrettably, as a result of our lifestyles (i.e., too much stress, not getting enough sleep, not enough workout, too much ingestion, smoking, etc.), the body can’t rinse out all those acidic wastes produced in our body. These waste products build up in an area in our body. What’s worse is that we don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables which are alkaline foods. We get old by this process.
The Right Water
To reverse aging caused by acidic waste products, we should drink alkaline water. Acid free alkaline water or microwater is created by cleaning a tap water (typically with a pH of 7), and letting it go through an electroanalysis chamber. Alkaline and acid minerals found in a tap water is split b a device called water ionizer. The system would release water with a pH of 9 (alkaline) and another set with a pH of 5 (acidic).
Drinking alkaline water is one of the most helpful and trouble-free ways to flush toxins and delay the process of aging. Its effectively lies in the fact that it penetrates deeper than ordinary water. There, it dissolves and transports wastes out of the body.
Alkaline water is more than twice as effective as ordinary tap water. In fact, the effectivity of three glasses of alkaline water is greater than six glasses of a regular one. With this alkaline water, 4 glasses is enough to suffice your daily water need, and delay aging, in turn.
Where To Go To Delay The Aging Clock
First Stop: Hair Salon
Alright, we all know that this establishment is a must-stop to look younger. But if it happens that you will go here, would you know what to instruct the stylist for you to look young?
Tell your favorite hair artist to give you a shorter do. A long hair for an experienced lady would more or less make her look like a witch. Trimming on the shoulder or shorter boosts up one’s vitality. This takes the attention away from a sagging face. You may also have some bangs and layers. Bangs brushed on the side softens the wrinkles on the forehead. Layers make hair more lively and youthful.
Or try telling your hairstylist to add some colors on your crown of glory. This increases the volume of the thinning hair brought about by hormonal changes. Not to mention, this also covers up gray hair preventing them from looking ashy.
Hairstylists also recommend soft, tender brushes after a shower of emollient shampoo to give bulk to the thinning hair.
Next stop: Derma’s space
Yes, you can look good by yourself, but going to the skin specialist once in a while spells a huge difference. Take the celebrities for an example.
Dermatologists give benefits that our bare hands alone can’t bring into fruition. Dermatologists may apply some cosmetics like alpha hydroxy acid. This is used to reduce the lines and folds on the face, as a chemical peel, and enhance skin’s overall look and feel. When used as a chemical peel, dermas explain that alpha hydroxy acids can change the pH level of the skin to spawn collagen that enhances tonicity of the skin. Collagen, as we age, diminishes in itself, developing wrinkles and pores.
Dermatologists may also recommend topical treatments and broad-spectrum sun block lotion that would prevent you from sun exposure. Too much revealing of skin to sunlight causes the largest percentage of sagging, dark spots, and fine lines. We do not notice this effect because it’s not an instantaneous one. Best topical prevention includes those that have antioxidants and retinol.
Third stop: Spa
From massage to facials to jacuzzi, a treatment spa is absolutely a perfect haven for those who’d like to stay young. Visiting it can be the most enjoyable trip ever.
A worthwhile massage provides comforting relaxation to treatment to more specific physical problems. It can also relieve stress and improve the blood supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. It can also aid in the recovery of some muscular problems. And at least in part, an hour of it can compensate for lack of workout and muscular contraction.
A facial in the spa provides cosmetic therapy of the face. It involves a multiplicity of skin treatments like exfoliation, peels, steam, extraction, and masks. Not only is it soothing but an age-defying remedy as well.
The warming and freshening comfort of jacuzzi can transfer your soul to another dimension. A jacuzzi uses colors to further healing not only in the body but also in the mind. Each of these colors has a particular wavelength that affects the release of hormones and other organic materials within the body.
This positively changes one’s mood, feelings, or emotions.
Wonder Products For The Skin
Honey consists two kinds of sugars: fructose and glucose. Moreover, it also contains minerals like magnesium, calcium, sodium chlorine, phosphate, iron and sulphur. The vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and C are also found in honey. Taking honey in like your everyday multi-vitamin is heavily encouraged.
Honey is the oldest sweetener known to man. It is a good substitute for sugar in your food and beverages. Honey has also a good reputation in the medical field for treating certain diseases. In the Middle East, it is used to treat burns in the skin. Since these areas are mostly war-torn and hot, water is heavily scarce, if not contaminated.
Honey is known for its anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. Also , it works as a good moisturizer both for the skin and the hair. This is because honey has the ability to attract water. It is cheap and safe for sensitive skin. Apply honey to your face after washing it with water then wash the honey off with a mild facial wash. If you want to use it for your hair, apply honey to your hair like the way you apply conditioner then wash it off with a mild shampoo.
It is important that you wash it off properly because first, it might smell and second, you might attract ants to your face/ hair. And that’s really weird. Honey can also be used as a good body scrub if you mix it with sugar. The moisturizing and exfoliating effects are divine.
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, was reported having used vinegar and vinegar mixed with honey as an energizing tonic and a healing elixir. People suspected it was apple cider vinegar. How was apple cider vinegar created in the first place anyway?
Apple cider vinegar is a hundred-percent natural creation. It is a product of the two fermentation processes. First, the fermentation of apple juice to hard apple cider. After that, the second fermentation to apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar contains ALL THE GOODNESS from which the apple is known for. In fact, after the fermentation processes, it is packed with extra enzymes and acids.
Apple cider vinegar is known to smooth sunburns and to heal insect bites. Moreover, it can also be a hair treatment, as it can make the hair shine and treat dandruff. It also cures acne. When using this product to your skin, just apply apple cider vinegar to the area you want to treat evenly. Leave it for 15 minutes then wash it off with a mild facial wash/ shampoo. It also smells a bit, so wash it off the best way that you can.
Whether you take in these products or you apply them to your skin, they can really bring out the youngest skin that you can have. Beauty queens and celebrities all over the world swear by these kitchen wonders.
Quit all the search for the perfect cream because the potions you need are right in the comfort of your own home!
Escape Aging
Stopping smoking
As early as 1800’s, it was already observed that smoking has detrimental effects on the skin. Two centuries later, people became more aware of this because these effects are evident among chronic smokers. Some of these consequences include premature lines and folds stemming from the corner of the eyes to the zygomatic area (in the aging process, wrinkles are a natural element , but smoking speeds this up); dry and leathery appearance of the skin; grey-pallor complexion; a haggard appearance; and some more.
These changes are brought about by the processes that a cigar’s ingredients bring about to the body. Nicotine, a vasoconstrictor (one that constricts the blood vessels), inhibit the smooth and easy flow of oxygen and nutrients to their destination. Nicotine also causes a diuretic effect on the body which causes a reduction of the skin’s moisture level, hereby making it tough and dry.
Carbon monoxide, a harmful component produced by smoking, has higher affinity to blood cells than oxygen. That means it reduces the amount of oxygen to many areas.
Smoking also contains a large number of free radicals that attack healthy cells and damage normal tissues.
Smoking reduces Vitamin A and collagen in the body. Vitamin A is used in the repairing function of the body. Collagen, on the other hand, is a protein that produces new and healthy skin.
Proper posture
Sitting up straight and putting shoulders back are very important for your health and appearance. A good posture can make you look slimmer, taller, and confident. Many regard people with correct posture as young, happy, and at ease with their disposition. A good posture can even give you an instant weight loss of
10 pounds in the eyes of others. Its benefits, by the way, are not just for the outside.
A correct posture primarily puts muscles, joints, bones, and your organs to where they are supposed to sit. It reduces the risk of having back and neck problems, arthritis, and other pains. A proper one too can help prevent the spine from becoming abnormally fixed which can lead to fatigue, headaches, and some problems with organs and functioning. With a proper posture, one can also experience less strain because one wouldn’t overuse his muscles.
Stretching hourly and practicing the proper posture every hour can help strengthen the muscles that will be needed to hold the body erect.
Having sex at least three times a week
A 10-year study indicated that couples who are in their 40’s who have sex at least three times a week look younger than those who enjoy it less often. The study even indicated that the faces of these couple have less lines and wrinkles, and have smoother and suppler skin. They credited this to the wonders of Oxytocin. It is a hormone released during sex that reduces stress. Having sex at nighttime is helpful, too!
It helps you to have a tight sleep so body is more rested. So, what are you planning to do now? Go ahead and feel young.
Combat Aging Wisely
Technically, aging means a process that includes changes in the structure and elasticity of the skin over time. Usually, it starts as early as your late teenage years and may start as late as in your late twenties. Our skin does a lot of things. It analyzes sensations such as pressure, pain and touch. It also protects us from the environment, helps balance fluid and electrolytes and most of all, helps in the regulation of our body temperature. With that said, our skin is clearly overworked. The least we can do is protect it from further harm.
Aging is majorly caused by either of these two: normal physiological aging (no matter what we do, we will wrinkle in time) and UV exposure (accounts for 95% of the wrinkles that you might have now). The enemy that we have to combat is the UV exposure. How can we beat it?
There are three kinds of UV rays: the UVA, UVB and UVC. These are graded according to their wavelength. The longest wavelength rage are UVA rays and the shortest, UVC rays.
UVA wavelengths are almost harmless. The hazard is not non-existing but it’s highly negligible. Sunlight, when passing through ordinary glass contains UVA wavelengths. Short UVA wavelengths are those used for sun/UV tanning. However, this form of tanning is not completely safe. It still exposes your skin to UV rays and hastens its aging. Also, around 50% of skin cancer is acquired through sun tanning.
UVA does not damage DNA directly, unlike UVB and UVC. It doesn’t cause sunburn but it can penetrate deeply. UVA can produce reactive chemical intermediates which can harm the DNA such as hydroxyl and oxygen radicals. UVA rays damage the collagen fibers of your skin.
Next, let’s talk about UVB. Your skin can only take small amounts of UVB rarely. Meaning, no matter how small the exposure is, it is dangerous if it’s every day. UVB, like UVA, can deplete the Vitamin A in your skin. Unlike UVA, UVB light causes DNA damage directly. It awakens the DNA molecules in the skin cells, causing a modification on the DNA’s growing strand. This is a mutation that is commonly found in most skin cancer cases. UVB also causes collagen damage, albeit slower than UVA.
UVC is the least penetrating since the outermost portion of your skin, the epidermis, is made of dead cells. This portion protects you from UVC. UVC is quite damaging to living cells and has burning effects.
The best that you can do to combat these culprits is to wear sun block/sunscreen every day. The higher the SPF (Sun Protection Factor), the better. Experts suggest wearing sun block/ sunscreen with at least SPF 15 for everyday use. However, if you are at the beach, or biking, or hiking, your sun block should have a minimum of SPF 30. It’s like having 15 layers of skin every day or 30 layers of skin when you are heavily exposed to the sun.
Don’t think that if there’s no sun you can steer clear from UV damage. Wear sunblock EVEN IF there is no sun. Remember that the stronger UV rays can penetrate through the clouds and these can still damage your skin. These are the rays that you should protect yourself from. Also, some bulbs contain UV rays, albeit weaker. So even if you’re just indoors, it’s still advised to wear sunblock.
There. That is just everything you need to fight aging. Remember to keep the principles handy. First, learn about your enemy and then arm yourself. It’s the “art of war”…of beauty war.
Being Young And Healthy With Apricots
A younger-looking skin and healthier lives of those who include a couple of this fruit in their daily diet is an obvious evidence of what it can bring. Now let us take a closer look at how this wonderful fruit can be very useful to you.
The secret of apricot’s power lies in its high-level of a mighty antioxidant called carotenoids. The oxygen-free forms of carotenoids such as lycopene, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene are the organic pigments helpful to men.
Beta-carotene is being converted by the body to Vitamin A which is beneficial to the eyes- it protects the eyes from functional deterioration, lessens the risk of acquiring cataracts, and prevents the eyes from xerophthalmia – a disease that dries the conjunctival epithelium.
Apricots also protect the heart through its famous bright red carotenoid called lycopene. Lycopene protects the heart by reducing the blood levels of Low-Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) which causes formation of plaque in the blood vessels, which in turn, precipitate a number of heart diseases. The Department of Agriculture of the United States says that Lycopene is the most potent antioxidant among other carotenoids as this extinguishes peroxyl radicals that damage the DNA that initiates cancer. Lycopene helps in fighting breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Dried apricots are good sources of lycopene. People susceptible to these diseases should include apricots in their diet.
Other properties and benefits
Velvety apricots are also high in fiber. Apricots are used to prevent and allay constipation and can even induce diarrhea. Three apricots are enough to take effect. This means also that it can help you slash your weight, have a normal digestion, and control high blood levels of sugar. Fiber also keeps the blood vessels from being congested.
Apricots are also high in potassium that helps in regulating the blood pressue and the contraction of the heart.
The kernels of apricots are equally nutritious. Each kernel has several helpful properties that are proven to assuage cough and helps the respirator system to be toned. But before eating a kernel, the tip of the seeds should be cut off as this contains high levels of laetrile that can upset the stomach.
Apricots are also rich in Vitamin C and iron.
Apricots also help the body fight Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, and an eye-disease called Age-Related Macula Degeneration.
Around the World and Beyond
Apricot is a traditional Chinese medicine that helps in restoring lost body fluids (which also prevents dehydration) and in detoxifying the body. Without knowing why they did, the Chinese also ate apricots to improve their fertility. Now we know that this fruit is abundant in minerals that boost the production of sex hormones.
In the Hunza Valley in Himalayas, people used apricots as staple food. Many centenarians live in this area.
Because of that benefit, Europeans have long thought of apricots to be aphrodisiacs. In fact, William Shakespeare depicted apricot in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as such. In The Duchess of Malfi, apricots were depicted as an inducer of childbirth
Three centuries ago, the English used apricot oil to fight tumors and ulcers.
Officials of National Aeronautics and Space Administration said that astronauts (in flight) included apricot on their menu for a number of occasions already. In fact, apricots have been on the menu of the Apollo 15 trip.
Be Breakfast-Pretty
After a stressful day, take some time to relax. Put on some scented candles, put your feet up and tune up Norah Jones on your stereo. Take deep breaths as if they’re the last ones you have. Stress is already the second strongest killer in the medical field. Stress can lead to a lot of complications later on. So while it’s early, learn to combat stress by feeling good and keeping beautiful.
If you know how to cook, you might consider the kitchen “the heart of your home”. However, if you’re the kind of person who is always outside, it’s safe to say your heart is not really in your home. Maybe you’re out partying, socializing and (darn!) working. That’s not so hard to imagine if your home is usually connected with clutter and some work. Change that image! Start prettifying in your home and make it your own Beauty Mecca.
Here are some at-home skin-spoiling masks and creams to help you maintain that youthful glow.
The egg is composed of two parts: the egg white and the egg yolk. You’re lucky both can be used as facial masks raw!
First, let’s tackle the egg white. Separate carefully the egg white from the yolk after you’ve broken the egg shell. Next, beat the egg white until it’s foamy. Spread it all over your face in a circular motion. Avoid touching your eyes during the process. Wait until the egg white hardens on your face. You will feel a tightening of your skin after 15-20 minutes. After that, wash the egg white off your face and pat your skin dry.
Also, if you have oily skin, it is advised that you add a few drops of lemon juice into the egg white mixture. It will help minimize the oil on your face. However, if your skin is oily, do not add lemon juice. It will only irritate your skin.
Next, let’s tackle the egg yolk. The egg yolk is actually very high in Vitamin A. It helps in the “healing” of your blemishes. Just apply the yolk to your face in the same manner that you applied the egg white. Wait for 30 minutes for it to dry. Wash with warm water and pat your skin dry.
Though it may smell a bit, many experts actually swear by this technique. Eggs are better off as skin spoilers than food. At least you don’t get fat when you spread it on your face!
Experts advise using oatmeal for trouble-prone or acne-prone skin. This breakfast wonder is actually famous for its gentle exfoliating features. First, clean your face with water and facial wash. Never use soap as they are not designed for the skin on the face. Next, wash your face with warm water and follow it up with hot compresses (using a washcloth). Moisten pinches of oatmeal until it looks like paste and use it to scrub your face. Again, avoid the area around your eyes. Wash off with cool water to close pores.
You may also use the oatmeal as a facial mask. Just repeat the process mentioned in the preceding paragraph but instead of washing the oatmeal paste away, let it stay on your face until it dries.
You are highly encouraged to use natural ingredients in taking care of your skin. Remember that our skin is like a sponge. It absorbs everything that we put in it. In this case, if you are confident about the things that you put on your skin, then everything will go just right.
There have been countless positive feedbacks about these home-made masks. Try them! Breakfast will mean a lot more than a morning meal to you now!