Looking Young in Your Twenties, Thirties, and Forties
Depending on how well you took care of your skin during childhood and your teenage years, you may start seeing fine lines around your eyes and frown lines in your forehead as early as your mid-twenties.
Typically, this kind of premature aging comes from tanning or sheer carelessness during outdoor activities in your teens. People with fair skin are more likely to have early sun-induced wrinkles.
If you haven’t been protecting yourself fro UV rays, now is the time to start. Make sunscreen a part of your daily ritual, even if you don’t plan to be out in the sun. Drop the tanning sessions and pick up a good self tanner. Start beefing up on the antioxidants in your diet and in your skincare products.
BOTOX can be used at this point as a preventative measure, and to minimize the appearance of existing lines and wrinkles. A mild chemical peel or microdermabrasion may be enough to get rid of fine lines entirely at this stage in life.
Pregnancy and childbirth can leave you feeling self conscious about your body, even after the extra weight is gone. Chances are, taking care of little ones has thrown you off of your beauty routine for a few years, too.
Diet and exercise can help you lose the weight and regain your original muscle tone, but some parts of your body may not cooperate. A “mommy makeover” can be just the thing to get your body and your sex life back in your thirties. Procedures to consider include:
• Breast lift
• Breast augmentation
• Tummy tuck or mini-tuck
• Liposuction
• Vaginal rejuvenation
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can your skin to develop dark blotches, often referred to as a pregnancy mask, and acne. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) can be an effective treatment for discoloration and acne scars.
In your forties you want to focus on hydration and fitness. This is a good time to start talking to your doctor about the hormonal changes associated with menopause, and find out how you can ease through the transition with minimal weight gain and skin discoloration, not to mention minimizing other, more unpleasant symptoms and problems which can be life-threatening such as magnesium deficiency.
Sun damage can start showing up as dry, scaly patches of skin, and often precancerous cells. Get any suspicious skin changes and any questionable moles checked out as soon as you notice them. It can save your life!
Fortunately precancerous cells can be removed with some chemical peels, stimulating collagen production and rejuvenating your skin at the same time.
Most women are not ready for a face lift at forty, but you may want to consider blepharoplasty to open up your eyes, and injectable fillers to reduce the folds around your mouth.
Understanding the effects of aging early in life can help you get a jump star on staying young.
Talk to your cosmetic surgeon about aging and beauty today.
Top Tips For Staying Healthy All Year Round
It is getting harder than ever to stay feeling good and healthy these days, with all of the stress and pollution. But there are a few things that you can do in order to keep life going smoothly, all you have to do is know what they are. This article is going to help you learn what is the most important factors in your good health.
Here are the most important things for you to consider when trying to stay healthy:
Good sleep each night is essential to your good health. During sleep your body will recharge itself and your immune system will get built back up to where it should be. Getting a good nights sleep will also help you to fight depression and anxiety. When you sleep you look better and feel better so start trying to devote a solid 8 hours to sleep each and every night.
Healthy eating
Healthy eating is another important part of good health. Remember that old saying, you are what you eat? Well, it is true, you really are what you eat. The better you eat each day the better you are going to look and the better you are going to feel. Healthy eating will keep you looking young and fresh faced. Your skin will be smoother and softer and you will start to have that healthy glow that people talk about. Banish that sallow complexion starting today by eating healthy once and for all.
There are all kinds of great ways to exercise and no matter who you are or how fit you are at this time. If you are not into the hard core aerobic workout then consider walking. Walking every day is a great way to stay healthy and feeling good and young. You can get a treadmill or you can walk around the block. You should even consider taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Every little bit of exercise each day will help you to stay in tip top shape.
Source: Free Articles
Author: asupport
Best Anti Aging Secrets for Staying Young
Did you know that your attitude and the power of positive thinking is one of the best Anti Aging Secrets for staying young? Most people are skeptical and really surprised to learn this fact. A great positive attitude can do wonders as far as your outlook on life. Another unexpected great benefit of a positive attitude is that you tend to smile more often. Smiling will tone the face and helps to make a person look much younger. This great benefit of Anti Aging Secrets for staying young is that you will have better health that comes with having a good attitude and the power of positive thinking. So the next time that you are down in the dumps then remember that your attitude and the power of positive thinking is one of the best anti aging secrets for staying young.
If you focus your attitude more on positive thoughts, you will then focus more on things that will result in better health and that alone will help you to feel and act younger. More of a positive attitude will help you to set goals and maybe also accomplish stuff that someone normally your age would have considered that they were past doing anymore. One of the best anti aging secrets for staying young is that when you have a positive attitude then you feel better about yourself.
When you feel better about yourself then you have the confidence to try something new. Most older people tend to get set in their ways and are not willing to change their routine at all. If you have a good attitude because of the power of positive thinking then that will have an affect on your attitude about trying something new. This new found confidence in yourself will show on your face and that will make you look years younger. As we get older, most of us usually tend to be more negative because we can't accomplish what we use to do. Just taking a brighter outlook on life can do wonders for your health as well as help you to act and look much younger.
Did you know that most of the things that you do in life are from habits that you have formed over the years. Of course some are good habits but you may have also picked up a few bad habits along the way such as smoking or unhealthy eating. Having a good attitude and the power of positive thinking could change your outlook on life and help you to get the confidence needed to finally put an end to all those harmful bad habits. This one change to a positive attitude could be one of the best anti aging secrets for staying young by starting a healthier lifestyle. Ending bad habits such as smoking or overeating could not only extend someone's life expectancy but also make them look and feel years younger. That one change in your attitude could be a great boost to your self confidence and is one of the best anti aging secrets for staying young. Start looking younger today by having a good attitude and the power of positive thinking.
Would you like more information about the best Anti Aging Secrets for staying young? Sign up now for our FREE Fitness Over 40 Resource Guide and Fitness Tips newsletter series of getting fit regardless of how old you are. For more information, visit http://www.befitat40plus.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geri_Stogsdill
The Real Secret to Staying Young!
In a society where the focus is constantly on youthfulness, we search continuously for ways to remain young, yet for the most part, whatever lotions, potions or surgery we choose, staying young cannot be found in a bottle. It can in fact be found, but we seem to be looking in the wrong place. In fact, like almost everything else, the answer can usually be found within.
Not long ago, while having dinner with a group of friends, a question was posed as to whether there could be a genuine secret to staying young. Since most of the world is always on the lookout for the fountain of youth, it was an interesting and thought provoking conversation. Each person in attendance had their own unique views about the aging process and although each valid and interesting, I had a different opinion.
When it was my turn to share, I confidently stated, "In my opinion, staying young means finding and expressing your passion. The mystery, if there is any to staying young, could be attributed to tapping into the creative aspect of ourselves. Regardless of age, creativity doesn't have a number!"
My group of dinner companions of course asked me how I had come up with this notion and to elaborate. Although I had absolutely no real proof other than my own experience and that of a few of my friends, I told them that I had been observing those who seem to get younger and those who seem to age. One speaks about retirement early on, while the other is always on the lookout for something exiting to include in their every day lives. In fact the one with a thirst for the new stays vital and alive for a long, long time, while the other just seems to get older.
To bring my point home more clearly, I had done some writing for a friend and in return he gifted me with a web site. At first, I was filled with apprehension and fear as to whether I could get a grasp on the Internet experience, but instead of running away, I chose to look it squarely in the eye and say 'yes' to the Internet. Although that may not seem like a very monumental endeavor, tackling a challenge such as the Internet for a person in their 50’s was quite a feat.
As a result of my willingness to take on the challenge, today I write for people around the world and am a featured author on many well-recognized online publications. To have tapped into such an amazing part of both the world and myself brings me more pleasure and fulfillment than words can ever express and has certainly done wonders regarding my youthful appearance. Had I not been willing to conquer what seemed beyond my grasp, I would have missed out on some of the most spectacular experiences imaginable. To my way of thinking, vitality and productiveness cannot be measured by age but only gauged by actions and attitudes.
In concluding, the mysterious component that seems to elude most individuals regarding youthfulness is in my humble opinion, the seeking of your passion, and then living it to the fullest, regardless of your age.
Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist/Consultant to her creative efforts as a freelance writer/consultant. She has successfully helped countless companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding press releases, web site content, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, and all other forms of marketing material. You may contact Charlene Rashkow at http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com or write her at info@allyourwritingneeds.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlene_Rashkow